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EEO Report

WCSU 88.9 FM 

It is the policy of WCSU-FM to provide equal employment opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to their race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, disability, military status, citizenship, or any other legally protected status in accordance with applicable local, state, federal law and Central State University's equal opportunity policy.

WCSU-FM disseminates information on each of our vacancies to outlets, which will reach a diverse audience of qualified individuals. All applications are carefully reviewed by WCSU-FM staff and Central State University's Human Relations Department licensee for WCSU-FM for information that could reveal age, race, religion, national origin, color, marital status, disability, military status, or citizenship before the applications are provided to search committee members. For vacancies at WCSU-FM, a search committee composed of a mix of Station personnel at different levels of authority is convened to review applications and choose applicants to interview. Interviews are performed both in a group setting and individually.

Once hired, WCSU-FM provides professional development and advancement opportunities to its employees through a structured Performance Appraisal Management program, which focuses on excellence in job performance, responsiveness to WCSU-FM's goals and vision, and professional and skill development needs. WCSU-FM also provides career counseling and coaching to station staff.

WCSU-FM is involved with university communication/journalism students in an effort to provide students with internships and career related work experience prior to graduation while meeting the stations' multi-faceted organizational needs. By becoming involved at WCSU-FM, students are helping in developing a more diverse future workforce with professional skills in the broadcast media industry. Students have a long history of being involved at the station and have worked alongside the full-time staff serving in a variety of roles, which include production assistants, radio reporters, program assistants, and receptionists.

All WCSU-FM employees are entitled to and encouraged to take advantage of training offered through the Human Resource Department at Central State University, the station' licensee. Classes that were promoted to all employees include: "Coaching For Improved Performance" and "Team Building in the Workplace." The university also requires that every station staff member take a course and be certified in "Sexual Harassment in the Workplace" training at Central State University and uses this training to advise our own personnel.